Transform your eCommerce into your Competitive Advantage

Maximizing ROI, reducing cart abandonment, and boosting conversion rates in the intensive realm of Marketing and Sales requires strategic resource allocation, extensive capabilities, and significant time investment. However, tackling this complex task becomes seamless when armed with the right processes and tools for automating a multitude of operational flows.

What we do.

At Commericx, we understand the importance of sales growth in the e-Commerce world. With our solutions, we can automate your Sales and Marketing strategy to increase traffic and boost sales on your e-Commerce platform, or enhance performance with a visual search experience that connects shoppers with products they love. Regardless of your business size, we can tailor our services to your needs and help you achieve success.

How we do it.

We craft customized, multi-channel sales and marketing automation strategies tailored to your customers' behavior and profiles, ensuring triumph in customer retention and conversion.

  • Key scenario automation for your site's performance: abandoned cart, lead scoring, upselling and cross-selling, purchase tracking, transactional emails, promotions, visual search.
  • Email marketing automation: We develop and execute email marketing campaigns to increase conversion rates and foster customer loyalty.
  • Creation of automation workflows to reduce operational workload for teams: lead scoring, lead nurturing, conversion funnels, contact management, CRM integration.
  • Integration of sales and marketing processes: We unify your sales and marketing processes to enhance efficiency and increase sales opportunities.
  • Data analysis and metrics: We measure and analyze the performance of your e-Commerce site to identify improvement opportunities and boost sales.

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